Federation of Professionals- Craftsmen &Traders of Xanthi would like to invite you, on Tuesday 07-03-2023 in Xanthi, to participate in the first transfer business visit and awereness event of our project. We would suggest you to plan your stay in Xanthi for a night, especially for our Bulgarian partners, mostly for your convenience. Also, allow me to give you some important information regarding our events.
Federation will first organize the Transfer Business Visit at 11:00 in the morning, in the Workshop facilities of our famous Papaparaskevas Patisserie, where we will exchange our know-how for the production and exporting procedure of the enterprise. Thus, it would be much more meaningful if you could bring entrepreneurs of small and medium-sized enterprises with an export interest. After our transfer business visit, we will head for lunch and then at 16:30-18:00 has planned a training seminar for our SMEs, where you may participate. Finally, we have organized the Awareness Event at 18:00 in the afternoon, in the Grand Maison“Manos Hadjidakis”, Xanthi, where an exhibition of products will be held, from local businesses with export interest, aiming at their promotion and acquaintance with the public.
Attached you can see the 2 events in that we invite you to participate in. At your disposal for any further information or anything you might need.